Wear Heroic

Refund & Return Policy

  1. You can raise cancellation requests for items or orders within 24 hours from the time of placing the order by sharing with us an email with your Order ID and the reason for cancellation. Remember the cancellation request must be raised from the ID used while ordering on our site. Send us the email at 1. Suppport@wearheroic.in
  2. All returns must be in unused condition with all original tags and packaging intact.
  3. Once the order is shipped from the warehouse, it cannot be cancelled. When the shipment is delivered and if the customer receives a faulty product then he or she can raise the return request. 
  4. Customer must notify us via mail or WhatsApp for return/refund within 5 days of receiving the product, to be eligible for Return Policy.
  5. Email us at 5. Suppport@wearheroic.in with your “(Order number)_returns” in the subject field within 5 days of receiving the product.
  6. If you have received damaged product/s, no worries, you can return the product within 4 days after delivery no return will be accepted after passed time in case of wrong/damage products. Once we receive the product the amount will be refunded in your used payment method within 7 working days once the product is picked and received at our warehouse for approval of cancellation with valid reason. If the product item delivered to you was faulty from our end, then we will proceed with the replacement of the product. Refund will be only given when we receive the product on our end and QC verified.
  7. No return, refund and exchange will be accepted for the products purchased with any sale coupon or sale discount.
  8. For cash on delivery orders, the refund amount will be settled After minus the amount of 99 COD Charges.
  9. The product should be free of scratches or deformities.
  10. Refund of COD charges is not applicable.
  11. Refund for prepaid order will be made back to the same method you chose for payment.
  12. if in your pin code Reverse Pickups is not supported We request you to self-ship the product to us. We will Pay you the shipping costs in case you received a wrong or defective product.

Refund Method – Refund amount can be transferred to customer’s Wallet/Coupons/Direct Bank Account/Google Pay/PhonePay/PayTM.

Refund Timings – Refunds will be transferred within 3-4 working days once we receive the shipment at Wear Heroic warehouse.

WhatsApp us at 77788 30047 for any queries. Drop a message to us on Instagram. We typically respond within 15min.